About me

About me
About me
About me
About me
About me


My name is Amanda and my heart led purpose is to support men and women release trauma from their bodies and connect with their sense of self and inner wisdom in the body to allow a more integrated life.  A life where challenges can be met without becoming overwhelmed and develop a deep understanding of who you are as an individual.

I am passionate about the breath and how it has the capacity to change everything. The breath for me is the one thing we as humans can rely on from birth to death and the one thing we can always rely on as the source of life itself. I believe that once you fall in love with the breath you fall in love with life itself and all that brings. It came to my awareness in everything that I do the breath is key.

I have been on a journey into myself for over thirty years and struggled with my own limiting beliefs in the past, with the narrative that I am not good enough, I am too much, I am not smart enough, and many others. It is through connecting with my breath I have been able to heal my deeper wounds that were unconsciously driving my life and stopping me reaching my full potential. Reclaiming my power and changing my core belief structure has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life. Everyone struggles with something and most of us put on a brave face and push our challenges aside, suppressing and avoiding the difficult things that come up in life. I too have done this only to find that what I am holding back suddenly shows up unconsciously and takes over my life in an unhealthy way.

I have stepped into the discomfort of releasing stored trauma in my body after first becoming aware of what it is and where it shows up in my body. This has been an incredible journey to really get to know who I am and what makes me tick. It has brought about better health awareness and released the negative and toxic energy from my body making me feel more connected, lighter and given me the capacity to really be myself and see all the welcome and unwelcome parts of myself. I am passionate to be able to bring this wonderful offering to the world and support others to come to a place of harmony and deep acceptance of who you are and how you relate to others in this world as you get to reclaim your power and know yourself with a deep sense of knowing.

I am now committed to create a safe space for anyone who wants to explore their connection to self and others and free yourself of your conditioned and self-imposed limited beliefs. Leaving you feeling more alive, more conscious, and more self-empowered.

‘We may not be responsible for the world that created our mind but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world’ – Gabor Mate

Contact Me

I am available by telephone, text, WhatsApp email and social media.