Ice Bath

Ice Bath
Ice Bath
Ice Bath
Ice Bath
Ice Bath


Join me on a unique team building and or personal development opportunity which will take you way out of your comfort zone.

You may have heard of ice baths and cold showers as its right on trend with the focus on mental strength and optimum health. Creating a mindset of ‘I can face my fear’ and overcoming the challenges of your mind. During the ice bath workshop or individual booking, I will take you on a journey as you embrace the challenge of stepping into something uncomfortable. You will be invited to fully submerge your body in the cold icy water and learn to use your breath to overcome the challenge that brings. This is a team building or personal development training which is far from the norm so why not embrace the unusual and unique.

In a world that built for comfort we forget what it’s like to not be ok. I like to call it becoming anti fragile. The ice bath is nothing about getting into an ice bath it’s all about the power of your mind and your mental ability to move past your fears and achieve what your mind may tell you is unachievable. The ice bath is about learning to not be ok and building resilience to that, its slowing it all down and noticing the narrative that plays out in your mind. It’s about getting uncomfortable in the name of growth.

The benefits of cold water therapy are becoming wider known and the research into the mechanisms of action are super exciting. So, what are the benefits of combining breathwork with cold water therapy?

Combining the two practices enhances the benefits of each, the breathwork and the cold water therapy. Cold water plunging creates a state of hormetic stress in the body, the mechanisms of action stimulated are restorative and healing in the longer term. Activating and facing the pain, barriers and emotion uncovers your inner resilience that has always been there, but maybe has not always been readily available to access. Breathwork can be initiated in order to surrender to the cold of the water, and to learn about pushing through challenging times that trigger the sympathetic nervous system response - this can then be applied to wider life scenarios and therefore increase resilience.

Cold water therapy has a number of notable physical benefits with continued practice including: reducing systemic low grade inflammation, improving the immune system response and enhanced circulation efficacy. The endorphin rush associated with cold water therapy can help recalibrate the mind and body leading to improved mental health. Both anxiety and depression are associated with states of chronic low grade inflammation, the processes involved in cold water therapy and breathwork help to reduce this inflammation and it is thought that this is partly why cold water therapy is so beneficial for anxiety and depression. Improved energy levels, mental clarity and a sense of positive wellbeing has been widely reported as a result of cold water therapy.

Contact Me

I am available by telephone, text, WhatsApp email and social media.